Aphrodite Inspired Cocktails

How would a cocktail inspired by the Goddess of Love, taste? We were wondering the same thing, so we thought we should give it a shot and create some amazing cocktails inspired by Aphrodite, our very own Goddess of Love.

Summer is almost here. That means longer days, amazing sunsets, relaxing holidays and party nights. More importantly, it means a wide array of summer ingredients popping up on menus across the country. We know everyone loves a good cocktail because a cocktail is not just a drink. The whole process of cocktail making, with its theatricality, offers a unique experience. Additionally, the range of ingredients is widening, making cocktails more interesting, especially in terms of flavour. Riding this wave, our bartenders are letting their imaginations lead the way.

Inspired by Aphrodite’s history, our team of mixologists, under the guidance of our cocktail expert Richard Hargrove, came up with a selection of unique different cocktails for you to enjoy this summer. Wines and spirits, mixed with the imagination of our team, bitters, fruit juices, vegetables and a whole range of other ingredients, such as local herbs and honey, are being included in the creative process and leading to delectable surprises. Ask for an Aphrodite’s Cocktail next time you visit the luxurious Elysium Hotel in Paphos and let us know if we got the “love potion” right.